Saturday, July 30, 2011

Predators in My Back Yard?

I guess that is what the wild west is all about. A couple of days ago as I was taking out the recyclables and watching my little Loki sniffing around, I saw she was sniffing at something....DEAD.  Ewww! Terry was leaving for work and he commented it was a furry little animal. He had to go so it was up to me to 'clean' up the carnage. Turns out it was a poor little bunny. All that was left of it was its hind legs and its ears and face. I think a cat or a coyote got it. I had to clean up the yard of doggy waste and so i picked the poor little thing up with the pooper scooper. No I don't particularly like the idea of touching dead things directly. The dry heat did its thing and the little body was dried out even though it looked like fresh kill. In fact it could not have been there more than a day since I have a little practise of cleaning up the doggy droppings daily.
What bothers me though is that my little chihuahuas are no bigger than that little bunny was. Now I feel i have to double check the door is locked and the blinds are pulled so that whatever it was that got the bunny doesn't 'see' my little guys through the glass at night. I realize I am living in a natural setting but it does not not make the incident any less traumatic. Here's hoping the coyotes are afraid of people and will not come up when they see me or my husband around. But even my 12 pound Loki is no match for a coyote. I am not even sure she could fend off a large domestic cat. This sure does make for an argument to have a large breed dog but honestly I have already come to the conclusion I will stick with these little guys to the end but not take on any more dogs, cats, birds or any other pets. Someday I want to travel more. But I definitely don't want a predator to take my babies away before their time. Would you?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Yes I have been AWOL but with good reason????

It has been a very busy last few weeks and aside from reading several books between the crazy go go go times I haven't really done much of anything else. I got our PODS loaded and stored and I got myself and my dogs driven to New Mexico with a stop for a full day in Broken Arrow to visit my daughter and her family there. Now I am again in a short limbo waiting for the folks I need to talk to about housing to get back to their normal routine. I really want to get into a place as soon as possible so I can set up my office space and get back to writing and blogging. I also need to have a real address to give folks and to do all of the other things necessary for day to day living.
Tomorrow I am taking my beloved chihuahuas to a doggy daycare so I can drive around in the heat looking at potential homes for us to settle into. Wish me luck because I really want to get this part done. I have to settle in and then get over to the campus of the local Community College and get signed up for classes this fall. I feel I will lose all the momentum I have built up with studies in the last year if I don't get that done quickly.
Do I like New Mexico? I really don't know yet. I have not explored much because its too hot for the dogs to be out for long and they need to be walked every two hours which doesn't leave me much exploration time. Once we are in a house then I will get to see what this state can show me. I did like seeing the Southwestern designed overpasses as I drove into the state. They are truly unique and pretty. Right now because of all the fires around the state the air quality is bad. I understand that this is not the norm so once the fires are out and the air clears I will get a better concept of the environment. Wish me well and lots of luck. house hunting has proven a challenge so far.