Sunday, March 20, 2011


I haven't done this for a while and this is only my second entry in as many months. The actual embarrassing reason is that I forgot how to get back into the Blogspot. I did figure it out finally so here I am. I celebrated my 54th birthday yesterday and I am happy to still be here walking the earth considering the alternative. 
Did I title this blog focus? Yes I did because it is something I have difficulty doing. I definitely have a condition that causes me to be easily distracted and flit from one thing to another. In my first entry to this blog I told you all I am planning to get a degree in Psychology and Sociology. After spending time in both of those classes I find that though I get both subjects and am having no trouble passing the tests I don't think that is really the career I want after all. I am now changing my major to Health Education but I still plan on minoring in Psychology. How did I get to this decision. I have an English assignment to thank for this. I had to create a document that included my major and the job possibilities after completion. This caused me to explore more options and I found that as a health educator I can still do what I want to do and have a better chance of making a living doing it. 
At the end of this semester I will have finished a full year of classes. I have not ever been able to stay a course this long before. And I am still enjoying it. Fortunately for me I only have to focus for a few months at a time on a subject and then I can switch gears for another semster. I am already looking forward to summer. I will have only one academic class and a PE class. I may even be able to find time to volunteer somewhere for the summer. 
So even though in the past I have had difficulty finding focus in my life I think I have finally found what I need to do it now. Its hard but Its fun and in a few years just in time for Terry to retire I will be ready to begin a new career. Wish me luck because I think it can't hurt.